Weshalb auf die Wissenschaft hören?: Antworten aus Philosophie und wissenschaftlicher Praxis (German Edition)
By Andreas Bartels, Dennis Lehmkuhl
Pandemie und Klimakrise rufen die herausragende Rolle der Wissenschaft und des wissenschaftlichen Wissens für Informierung und Orientierung der Gesellschaft sowie für die Beratung der Politik bei der Ausrichtung praktischer Maßnahmen ins Bewusstsein. In diesem Zusammenhang wird die Frage virulent, weshalb der Wissenschaft diese herausgehobene Rolle zukommt. Dass diese Frage trotz der vielbeschworenen Autorität der Wissenschaft alles andere als trivial ist, zeigt sich daran, dass Wissenschaftsskepsis und Relativierung wissenschaftlicher Resultate bis hin zur Wissenschaftsleugnung Einfluss gewinnen, sobald es um konkrete Fragen der Ausrichtung gesellschaftlichen Handelns an der Wissenschaft geht. Wodurch ist also Vertrauen in die durch die Wissenschaft ermittelten Fakten, die in ihren Modellen entworfenen Szenarien und ihre Ratschläge an Gesellschaft und Politik gerechtfertigt? Weshalb soll man der Wissenschaft in besonderem Maße vertrauen und auf ihren Ratschlag hören?Insgesamt sollen die Beiträge des Buches Aufschluss darüber geben, wodurch die Vertrauenswürdigkeit der Wissenschaft in ihrer modernen Form gerechtfertigt ist und an welche Bedingungen ihre besondere Rolle in der Gesellschaft geknüpft ist. Was kann Wissenschaft für die Gesellschaft leisten und wo liegen die Grenzen ihrer orientierenden Rolle? Was heißt es „auf die Wissenschaft zu hören“ und was sind die Bedingungen dafür, dass Menschen in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft sich wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse aneignen und sie als Richtschnur für ihr Handeln verwenden?
Book Title: The Role of Science in Society
By Andreas Bartels, Dennis Lehmkuhl
Pandemics and climate crises have highlighted the crucial role of science in informing and guiding society, as well as advising policymakers on practical measures. This raises the question of why science holds such a prominent position. Despite the supposed authority of science, skepticism and relativization of scientific findings have gained influence, especially when it comes to aligning societal actions with scientific knowledge. So, why should we trust the facts, scenarios, and recommendations provided by science? What justifies placing exceptional trust in science and heeding its advice?
In their groundbreaking book, Andreas Bartels and Dennis Lehmkuhl delve into the foundations of trust in science and explore the conditions that underpin its special role in society. They address the contributions of science to society and the limitations of its orienting function. Furthermore, they discuss what it means to “listen to science” and the prerequisites for individuals in a democratic society to acquire scientific knowledge and use it as a guiding principle for their actions.
The book provides valuable insights into the credibility of modern science and its implications for decision-making in contemporary society. It outlines the potential of science to address societal challenges and explores the boundaries of its influence.
Product Details
- Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (December 2, 2022)
- Language: German
- Format: eBook (Digital)
- Pages: 415
- ISBN-10: 3662656876
- ISBN-13: 978-3662656877
The role of science in society has become increasingly prominent in recent years, as global challenges like pandemics and climate change have heightened the need for evidence-based decision-making. In this thought-provoking book, Andreas Bartels and Dennis Lehmkuhl address the fundamental question of why science holds a unique position of trust and authority. They delve into the complex dynamics between science, society, and democracy, exploring the factors that justify our confidence in scientific facts, models, and recommendations.
Bartels and Lehmkuhl highlight the pressing issue of growing skepticism towards science and the relativization of its findings when it comes to shaping societal actions. They argue that trust in science is crucial for a functioning democracy, as it lays the foundation for informed decision-making and effective policy formulation. By analyzing the conditions that support the trustworthiness of modern science, the authors shed light on the essential role it plays in shaping our understanding of the world and guiding our actions.
Throughout the book, the authors confront the key questions of what science can offer to society and the limits of its orienting role. They explore how individuals can engage with scientific knowledge in a democratic setting and why it is essential to incorporate scientific insights into decision-making processes. The book challenges readers to reflect on the role of science in their own lives and encourages them to critically examine the sources of information they rely on.
Review of the Book
Bartels and Lehmkuhl’s book provides a comprehensive and thought-provoking exploration of the role of science in society. The authors skillfully navigate the complex relationship between science, trust, and democracy, offering valuable insights and analysis along the way.
One of the book’s strengths is its interdisciplinary approach, drawing on fields such as philosophy of science, sociology, and political science. This multidimensional perspective allows the authors to delve deep into the complexities of trust in science, going beyond a simple endorsement of scientific authority. They examine the social and epistemic factors that underpin trust, critically assess the limitations and challenges of scientific knowledge, and explore the implications for democratic decision-making.
The book is written in a clear and accessible style, making it suitable for both experts and non-experts alike. The authors successfully balance theoretical discussions with concrete examples, illustrating their arguments and making them relatable to real-world contexts. This approach ensures that the book remains engaging and relevant throughout.
Overall, Bartels and Lehmkuhl’s “The Role of Science in Society” is an essential read for anyone interested in understanding the foundations of trust in science and its implications for democratic societies. It challenges readers to critically examine the role of science in shaping their worldview and offers valuable insights into the conditions necessary for a fruitful dialogue between science and society.
Ordering Information
If you are intrigued by the role of science in society and want to deepen your understanding of its trustworthiness and impact, “The Role of Science in Society” is a must-read. You can order the eBook edition of this groundbreaking book from Springer, available in German language.
Product Details
- Publisher : Springer; 1. Aufl. 2022 edition (December 2, 2022)
- Language : German
- : 415 pages
- ISBN-10 : 3662656876
- ISBN-13 : 978-3662656877