- 429 pages
- Publisher: Springer; 2015 edition (November 20, 2014)
- Language: English
- Type : PDF
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Pediatric tumors comprise a unique set of diseases that may pose diagnostic challenges to pathologists, oncologists, and pediatricians. Pediatric Tumor Pathology: A Practical Approach serves as a state-of-the-art reference for understanding the fundamental biology and diagnostic aspects of pediatric tumors. This volume stands apart from other books covering pediatric neoplasia by providing an in-depth analysis of the pathogenetic and diagnostic aspects of the most commonly encountered tumors. The volume covers the new advances in our understanding of the molecular processes underlying a number of pediatric tumors and the novel, sophisticated diagnostic tools that have now become an integral part of practice standards. Pediatric Tumor Pathology: A Practical Approach will be of great value for many practicing clinicians and pathologists for characterizing and diagnosing childhood tumors. Oncologists, radiologists, surgeons and pediatricians will also find this book a unique and valuable resource for understanding the biological and diagnostic aspects of pediatric tumor pathology.
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