Medizin zwischen Moral und Moneten: Wie eine Hausärztin das Gesundheitssystem erlebt und was sich ändern muss (German Edition)
By Laura Dalhaus, Cla Gleiser
Dieses Buch ist ein Weckruf und legt den Finger auf die gravierenden Fehlentwicklungen in unserer Gesundheitsversorgung. Es ist ein Appell an uns als Patienten, Steuerzahler und Versicherte, die Zukunftssicherung unseres Gesundheitssystems jetzt mit Nachdruck einzufordern. Laura Dalhaus, eine ebenso engagierte wie besorgte Hausärztin, schildert authentische Patienten-Geschichten und Schicksale aus ihrem hausärztlichen Alltag. Verständlich und einfühlsam beschreibt sie, wie eine zielführende Behandlung in unserem Gesundheitssystem zum Glücksspiel wird. Sie rüttelt auf und macht klar: Nach den vielen mehr oder weniger gescheiterten Reformbemühungen der letzten Jahrzehnte muss sich in unserem Gesundheitssystem endlich etwas ändern. Dafür braucht es jetzt entschlossene Politiker und Manager am runden Tisch und ein lautes Votum von uns allen, nun endlich „zu liefern“.Inklusive drei knackige „Fragen an“:
Are you concerned about the state of our healthcare system? Do you want to be informed about the challenges it faces and the need for change? If so, [Book Title] by Laura Dalhaus and Cla Gleiser is a must-read. This book serves as a wakeup call, shedding light on the significant issues plaguing our healthcare system and urging us, as patients, taxpayers, and policyholders, to demand immediate action to secure the future of our healthcare system.
The authors, Laura Dalhaus and Cla Gleiser, paint a vivid picture of the struggles and dilemmas faced by both patients and physicians in our current healthcare system. As a concerned and dedicated general practitioner, Dalhaus shares authentic patient stories and experiences from her daily practice. In a compassionate and understandable manner, she describes how navigating the healthcare system has become akin to playing a game of chance, leaving patients uncertain about the quality and effectiveness of their treatment.
This book is a wake-up call to the flaws and failures that have marred the many attempted reforms of the past decades. Dalhaus emphasizes the urgent need for change, calling for resolute politicians and healthcare managers to come together at the table of decision-making. But the change cannot be achieved without the support and active involvement of all stakeholders, including us, the general public. The authors remind us that it is time for us to voice our concerns and demand “delivery” from those responsible.
In addition to the compelling narrative and thought-provoking arguments put forth by the authors, [Book Title] also includes insightful interviews with prominent figures in the healthcare industry. Dr. Canan Toksoy and Dr. Anna Hinterberger, both senior physicians at St. Franziskus-Hospital Münster-Hiltrup, share their perspectives on the challenges faced by healthcare professionals in the current system. Simone Borchardt, a member of the German Bundestag and the Health Committee, provides her insights into the political landscape of healthcare reform. Dr. Volker Schrage, a board member of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Westphalia-Lippe, and Anke Richter-Scheer, the chairwoman of the Association of General Practitioners in Westphalia-Lippe, offer their expertise on the challenges faced by physicians and patients on a local level. Finally, Matthias Horx, a renowned futurist, explores the possible future scenarios for our healthcare system.
[Book Title] is a thought-provoking and meticulously researched book that brings to light the urgent need for change in our healthcare system. It presents a compelling case for reform and calls upon all stakeholders to take action. Whether you are a patient, healthcare professional, policy-maker, or simply an individual concerned about the state of healthcare, this book will inform and inspire you to join the cause for change.
Product Details
- Publisher: Springer; 1st Edition (March 3, 2023)
- Language: German
- Format: eBook (206 pages)
- ISBN-10: 3658400420
- ISBN-13: 978-3658400422
Product Details
- Dr. Canan Toksoy und Dr. Anna Hinterberger, Oberärztinnen im St. Franziskus-Hospital Münster-Hiltrup
- Simone Borchardt, MdB, Mitglied im Gesundheitsausschuss
- Dr. Volker Schrage, Vorstand Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Westfalen-Lippe
- Anke Richter-Scheer, Vorsitzende des Hausärzteverbandes Westfalen-Lippe
- Matthias Horx, Zukunftsforscher zur Zukunft unseres Gesundheitssystems
- Publisher : Springer; 1. Aufl. 2023 edition (March 3, 2023)
- Language : German
- : 206 pages
- ISBN-10 : 3658400420
- ISBN-13 : 978-3658400422